Despite snow flurries on the first day of spring, we had a great time at our first Tips & Tune-Ups session! Thanks to Maggie Moore & Jim Leek for graciously allowing us to use their indoor riding facility and their horses. Thanks to Amy and Rex Nance for the delicious food. Thanks to Maggie and Tina Bowling for demonstrating the movements on horseback. And a very special thanks to Kitty Keen for leading the discussion and demonstrations.
The topic for this session was Trail Obstacle. We started out with some very basic movements such as dropping the head, backing and moving forward on command and the basics of longeing. We moved to sidepass, turn on the forehand and turn on the haunches, which are the building blocks for many skills that are useful in trail riding as well as the building blocks for trail obstacle manuevers. We then moved into some of the required trail obstacles, such as the gate, the ground poles and the L back-thru. We ended the session with a lot of great knowledge and lots of things to practice at home!
We had a good turnout for our first session, and are currently planning for the next session. Information about the next session will be available soon. We would like to know what topics you would be interested in for future sessions. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Maggie Moore [email protected] or Amy Nance [email protected]